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After the undeniable quadruple-platinum hit tweet about his ZOOM CRUSH, CHENLE has led many couples to the road of romance. Now, older and smarter than ever before, his advice and tactics are now available for everyone.

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ROAD #1. can i go straight to this way?

ROAD #2. why can't we be happy being ourselves?

ROAD #3. would you dare to cross the line?


GUEST STARRING. park jimin.
ROAD #1. idolism and the industry we feed

'wag mo gawing mundo ang dapat tao lamang.
don't make what should be just a person your world. idolism is, in a twisted way, prostitution.

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GUEST STARRING. mark tuan.
ROAD #2. idolism and the devotion it feeds

you can't deny that despite the sick, twisted form it tends to take, at its very core, fanship is fuelled by adoration.

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ROAD #3. idolism and the ownership it lacks

we do not own our idols. yet why do we speak as if we do? it is not your body, yet you draw explicit images of it with another as if it is familiar.

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      the countdowns are to junho's and sik-k's military discharges respectively.

      click wooyoung for more.